The Dink Network


Allows you to 'tint' images 6 different colors.
Released:October 22nd, 2000
File Size:176.04 KB
Release Notes:v1.00
July 22nd, 2003
Score : 6.5 fair
Noble He/Him United Kingdom

This file allows an author to tint a sprite one of 6 different colours. For the prospective d-mod author, who want something a bit different for their d-mod...this is a very cool idea, but does not work as well as we would all hope. Only 6 choices of colour? That's not bad at all in my opinion, but the bad part is that in my opinion, only one of these can really be used!
All but the gray scale end up looking poor and scrappy : Though the grey scal is fantastic for creating statues...or stone bonca's or whatever.
This file could have been brilliant, but it only succeeds in one area.