The Dink Network

ChaoticNight's Profile

Peasant She/Her United States
Dinking around since 2009..... 
5/19/2017 Oh Jeez! Well I apparently haven't been on in 7 years. Not gonna lie, don't really remember anyone but I'll see if going through my posts can help with that.

Well I was in college. Did fine and all but honestly felt like it wasn't helping me progress in my life. I had a severe illness I ended up having emergency surgery for in Nov. 2010. Definitely a life adjustment but I'm alright now.

Haven't been Dinking around at all I'm afraid >_< The last couple years I got into board gaming and tabletop rpgs. I also babysit somewhat regularly for a longtime friend. Not currently doing the gaming but have other life adjustments going on.

Currently single and have chosen to be for quite some time...though I have someone I sometimes go out to dinner with and other social things.

I like Asian food including sushi (yum!). I like going to Applebee's for their wanton tacos.

I got into watching daytime court shows and love to see self centered people get put in their place. Also learning a lot about the law. I also like HGTV.

I like to 'window shop' online a lot. Plan on getting a new metal bed frame soon (actual nice frame, not the cheap thing the foundation sits on). I like metal and modern looking things.

I listen to a lot of Pandora Radio. Been into Adult Contemporary (like Andy Grammer). But I also mix it up with pop/jpop , alt, 80's and dance/club stuff.

I write poetry though I haven't been very inspired in a while, and the last few I don't feel were very good. The one I'm working on now has taken me several days, which is very unusual for me. I typically write in one sitting because I want the words to just flow naturally. If I have to think too hard I feel it's not as authentic. However that's what's happening now and I'm going with it because I want to get into writing again.

When I'm distracted or rushed I tend to make more typos. This happens often when I'm babysitting.

When I'm tired I do strange write a huge biography on a site I haven't been on in years and may continue to not regularly visit.

Private Message

2010-04-04 20:03:42
Peasant She/Her United States
Dinking around since 2009..... 
Aw, thanks MsDink. XD Actually the cheesecake my grandma made didn't get touched b/c someone brought one, so I can share some with you too.

O_O OMG zeddexx what are you- *watches helplessly as he tackles the cheesecake goodness* Nooooooooooo! T_T Why? WHYYYYY?!