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Morpheus's Profile

Deactivated by redink1 on February 23rd, 2004.

Private Message

2003-03-29 00:35:57
I'm from England, pro-war and all pro-war, I don't know WHY but that's just the way I am isn't it.

Anyway... let's get this right... Many British Commando's have already been killed in Iraq, and the vast majority of those deaths were friendly fire and 'Accidents'. I mean a bloody US Patriot missile shot down one of our Tornados. US helicopter pilots got the crew killed.. twice. More and more friendly fire as the war burns on, even one of our bloody Telivision Presenters from the BBC were killed in a land rover clearly marked TV all over it due to American friendly fire.

Although pro-war I do think the war needed to be thought out alot more. Yes Sadaam needs to be removed from power, and yes we're closer and closer to him as the days pass but how many Allied deaths have been the cause of friendly fire or 'Accidents' and you really do build a picture of how well this campaign's been thought out...

As for our Tony Blair, my parents voted for him 2 years running and in my opinion he hasn't done a bad job, but you are starting to see a pattern of him + Bush.

For Bush I think what he's doing is right, but with a little more thought it could be better...

Oh well, nothing's going to change my mind, pro-war all the way.

AND what does it matter? The war's already going ahead and nothing we say is going to change that, so in theory there's really no need for this thread which has been filled with quite alot of bollocks.

Yeah Alli, agree with you, bomb the French

Morpheus has released 6 files

Customized Cursor CollectionMiscellaneous, GraphicsFair 5.0August 19th, 2002
Beyond the Galaxy IntroD-Mod, Miscellaneous, DemoTolerable 3.8July 6th, 2002
UltimateMidiCollection - The Second VolumeDevelopment, MusicFair 6.2June 30th, 2002
Spare TilesDevelopment, GraphicsGood 7.5June 30th, 2002
UltimateMidiCollectionDevelopment, MusicGood 8.0June 9th, 2002
Skeleton XDevelopmentHorrible 2.0May 20th, 2002