The Dink Network

Sqwatermelon's Profile

2006-09-28 21:56:32
First off the first screen is the only one without appropriate borders (except one of the ending screens)

It seems some people are having trouble with the screen switching over to the second screen.
Count to 60 or look at a watch. If you put the screen out of focus during that time; as with all d-mods; it will stop loading so then it won't work. It should take less then 60 seconds but if you want to find out if it is actually working or not you might want to wait that long just to make sure.

It will show the text (as white probably) still even for a while after it is dark because the text is still being spawned untill the screen fully switches.

If that does not work "try moving switchmu and switchep out of the story folder.

If this is the problem, you might get stuck a bit later when trying to get off the screen.
To fix that move the instrock, insthit, and instmgc files."-me in a later post

It is odd because I and many other people do not get this problem.(which is why the game was released this way) It seems to depend on the machine.

Sqwatermelon has released 1 file

Ex-PeppermintD-Mod, RompFair 5.9September 26th, 2006