The Dink Network

Vortex's Profile

Peasant He/Him United States
It rubs the lotion on its skin... 

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Occupation: Cashier

Interest: My car, my computer, car audio, paintball.

Music: I love everything, really, I mean everything o_o

Favorite Bands/Singers: Jimmy Buffet, Grateful Dead, Eminem, Offspring, Marilyn Manson, Hooty and the Blowfish, etc, etc (This list could go on forever)

Dislikes: Long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners...

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite TV Show: Family Guy
Fav Family Guy Char: Bryan(The Dog)

Favorite Quote: "He who learn to laugh at himself, will never cease to be amused"<-I live by these words

Other Favorite Quote: "Don't complain and talk about your problems - 80% of the people don't care; the other 20% will think you deserve them." -Mark Twain

Other Other Favorite Quote: "The only way to behave to a woman is to make love to her, if she is pretty, and to someone else if she is plain."

Favorite Word/Expression: "Whosajiggawha?"

Umm... Is that enough info?

Private Message
AIM FatGuy0065
MSN mpjworld

2003-05-23 10:31:20
Peasant He/Him United States
It rubs the lotion on its skin... 
I am with WC i would probably enjoy reading this report...i had to write a report of child support and teen pregnacy *cough* uhh... i "disturbed the class with perverted garbage" as the teach said of corse she was the same teacher that tried to expell me several times but thats all behind now

Vortex has written 1 review

Dink is Sent By a Guy To Go Find a Mushroom And it Turns Out it Was All a Joke Search for the Green Mushroom (The)NormalFair 5.0June 12th, 2003