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dragon's Profile

2006-06-11 06:52:53
Peasant He/Him United States
down boy! like i said i only responded because you went off on the whole "hitler was a vegetarian, eat meat" deal. It's not propaganda.. and i didnt say the meat that people eat contains cats n dogs.. its what they feed the cows and other livestock that does and possibly may be in petfood too. I'm not some veggie fanatic, i never tell anyone not to eat meat or not to drink milk and i don't show gross pics to kids or adults.

And I know what hitler did thank you very much, he was a complete arsehole. I may be somewhat of a hippie, but i'm an educated hippie There's just a lot about the meat industry that people don't know, it aint the same as it used to be is all. It's not like i've been a vegetarian my whole life, only the last 9 years.. and I've been the healthiest i've been since then.

I think it's just sad that if i even mention that i'm vegetarian that people go off on me like i'm some kind of fanatic freak and tell me that i should eat meat. No thank you. You can eat all the meat that i don't, how's that sound, deal? So peace dude!